The weight of scientific evidence demonstrates clearly that Lucy and Ardi were only Australopithecine apes similar to chimpanzees and orangutans. Were these animals really bipedal?

A few years ago, Dr. Owen Lovejoy and other anthropologists presented a new discovery in support of the modern creation myth of 21st century, which is Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Lovejoy’s find referred to as Ardi was the skeletal remains of a female Australopithecine ape that lived in Ethiopia millions of years ago. Australopithecines are a group of extinct apes closely related to modern chimpanzees and orangutans, according to Dr. Heinz Lycklama.  Although many evolutionary anthropologists and primatologists use the remains of these extinct apes to prove human evolution, the weight of scientific evidence indicates clearly that australopithecines, such as Ardipithecus (ARDI) and Australopithecus Afarensis (LUCY), were only primeval apes and not the evolutionary ancestors of humankind, according to Dr. Carl Baugh.

The weight of scientific evidence demonstrates that Ardipithecus, commonly referred to as Ardi, was an extinct kind of australopithecine ape, which has no common evolutionary ancestry with humankind, according to Dr. Duane Gish.  However, evolutionary anthropologists argue that this animal shares a common ancestry with man and other primates because there is evidence the ape was bipedal, which means walking on two legs, according to Dr. Donald Johanson.

However, this is simply voodoo science because chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans all can walk on two legs for short periods, but this is not real evidence for ape to human evolution. In fact, this was the same song that Dr. Donald Johonson sang in the 1970s with his discovery of Lucy. Both Ardi and Lucy are australopithecines. Australopithecines are a group of extinct apes closely related to modern chimpanzees and orangutans. Their fossils were found at numerous sites in eastern, central, and southern Africa. Although many evolutionists use the remains of these extinct apes to prove human evolution, the weight of scientific evidence indicates clearly that australopithecines, such as Ardipithecus and Australopithecus Afarensis, were only primeval apes and not the evolutionary ancestors of humankind, according to Dr. Duane Gish.

Ardi, Lucy, and the Australopithecines

Ardi is very similar to Australopithecus Afarensis. Australopithecus Afarensis, which is often referred to as Lucy, was discovered by Dr. Donald Johanson and his team of anthropologists in the Afar region of Ethiopia in 1974. This ape was named Lucy because of the Beatles’ song called “Lucy in the skies with diamonds.” Afarensis was an Australopithecine (southern ape) and about 40 percent of its skeletal remains were discovered. Dr. Donald Johanson claimed that this animal was a bipedal (upright walking) ape about 3.5 million years old. He claimed that analysis of the ape’s pelvic (hip) and knee joint proves that Lucy walked on two legs. Australopithecine bi-pedalism was the adaptation that began the primate’s evolutionary journey from apes to humans, according to Dr. Donald Johanson.

However, careful analysis by anatomists and anthropologists indicated that Lucy was only an extinct ape and not an evolutionary ancestor of modern man because Lucy had no direct similarity in appearance with humans, according to Dr. Charles Oxnard. First, Lucy had long arms which are similar to chimpanzees and orangutans. Second, Lucy’s jaws are similar to chimpanzees. Third, Lucy’s upper lag bones are similar to chimpanzees. Fourth, Lucy’s legs were short and more similar to orangutans and other apes. Lucy’s brain was similar to an ape’s brain and not a human’s brain. Fifth, Lucy’s skeletal remains indicated she had large back muscles for tree dwelling. Sixth, Lucy’s hands were similar to a pygmy chimpanzee. And seventh, Lucy’s feet were clearly ape-like because the animal’s toes were long like fingers and curved for holding branches and leaves.

“There are so many unique factors required for bipedal locomotion that it is impossible for any quadruped to gradually evolve bipedal ability”, according to Dr. Stuart Burgess. CAT scans of the inner ear region of some australopithecine skulls revealed that apes like Ardi and Lucy had semi-circular canals that resembled extinct apes and not humans, according to Dr Fred Spoor. This fact proves that neither Ardi nor Lucy could walk upright. An australopithecine’s anatomy resemble that of an extinct ape, according to Dr. Charles Oxnard. Thus, both Ardi and Lucy are apes that could walk on their legs for short periods similar to orangutan and chimpanzees, according to Dr Ian Juby.

Analysis of many hominid fossil finds by evolutionary anthropologists reveals the following conclusions. First, Homo Erectus and Homo Sapien Neanderthals are primeval human beings with unique genetic and anatomical features, according to Dr. Duane Gish. Second, Java Man was only an artificial creation, according to Dr. Carl baugh. Third, Piltdown man was proven to be a hoax, according to Dr. Henry Morris. And fourth, Ramapithecus was an orangutan, according to Dr Henry Morris. These finds indicate that many anthropologists are foolishly willing to believe that these primeval apes and humans support the creation myth of Darwinism because of their strong intellectual bias against alternative explanations for human origins. Therefore, many of them remain committed to the corruptions Darwinism.

Darwin’s Evolution Theory

The evolution theory is a scientific explanation about micro and macro evolutionary changes. Micro-evolution is sometimes referred to as horizontal plant and animal species variation. Micro-evolution involves minor changes in plants and animals over time, but never changes involving one kind of animal transforming into another type of animal. These minor changes are due primarily to natural selection and genetic mutations, which are necessary for adaptations to various climatic locations worldwide. These minor changes have been identified in plant and animal populations, shown through scientific experimentations, and confirmed in scientific observations. Therefore, the weight of scientific evidence supports the special theory of micro-evolution, but not the general theory of macro-evolution, according to Dr. Duane Gish.

The general theory of macro-evolution is based on unobserved evolutionary assumptions. Macro-evolution states all life evolved from simpler life forms derived from a single cell organism, which evolved from inorganic materials over vast ages. Macro-evolution lacks the necessary scientific evidence demonstrating how life can originate from death and how natural selection and genetic mutations can produce new biological information in plants and animals naturally. Natural-selection only selects from pre-existing genetic information already present in the animal population. This fact only allows animals to manifest superficial changes such as dogs, cats, or bears becoming larger or smaller over a period of time. Natural section never creates new genetic information, according to Dr. Georgia Purdom.

Genetic mutations causes the loss of genetic information in reproducing organisms and the duplication of the same kind of genetic information in reproducing organisms, but NEVER the creation of brand new genetic information in any organism. Therefore, while all animals have changed, through a process of natural selection and genetic mutations, from there ancestors, they still remain the same because today we see that dogs are still dogs, cats are still cats, monkeys are still monkeys, and humans are still humans, according to Dr. Heinz Lycklama.

Unlike observable micro-evolution, macro-evolution has never been observed in history, it has never been shown through science experiments, and it has never been supported by the weight of scientific evidence. Thus, macro-evolution is outside of the scientific realm of investigation partly because it is based upon faith in uniformity, according to Dr. John Morris.

Uniformity is an assumption made by evolutionists when they are determining the age of the universe, the age of the Earth, the age life on planet Earth, and human evolution. Although it can never be proven scientifically, uniformity assumes all of the processes that we currently observe in nature, have always been occurring in history in the same manner as today. Since uniformity supports gradual uniform transformations over billions and millions of years, evolutionists sometimes refer to it as “gradualism,” according to Dr. Carl Baugh.

Analysis: Ardi and Lucy

The weight of scie

ntific evidence demonstrates clearly that Lucy and Ardi were only apes similar to chimpanzees and orangutans. Ardi appears to be more of a promotion to convince the public that there is real evidence for Darwinism rather than scientists presenting good assessments of current paleo-anthropology. Evolution is a religious philosophy that has been applied to science because many within the scientific community embrace the religious doctrines of atheism, agnosticism, scientism, and secular humanism.

Related Sources:

  • Collapse of Evolution; Harun Yahya; 2005.
  • Collapse of Evolution; Scott M Huse; 2000.
  • Charles Darwin; Michael Ruse; 2008.
  • Decoding Your Genes; Dr. Mark V. Bloom; 1999.
  • Evolution; Leslie Alan Horvitz; 2002.
  • Evolution; Dr. Greg Krukonis;2008.
  • Genetics, Evolution, and Creation; Dr. Georgia Purdom; 2009.
  • Life Science; Lesley A. Du Temple; 2000.
  • Three Views on Creation and Evolution; J.P. Moreland; 1999.
  • Understanding Creation; Mark Whorton and Hill Roberts; 2004.