The Book of Enoch is one of many religious narratives that existed in the Jewish literary tradition during the centuries before, during, and after the time of Messiah Y’shua’s Earthly ministry. This masterpiece of Hebrew literature sketches the eschatology of the Jewish religious community during the first century BC and the first century AD.

The Book of Enoch, which is similar to the eschatology in the books of Daniel and Revelation, is one of many ancient pseudo-writings (falsely attributed works) that early scribes attribute to the pre-flood prophet Enoch, who was the great-grandfather of Noah (Genesis 5:18). Enoch is also one of the three people in the Holy Scriptures that was taken up or RAPTURED to heaven while still alive. The other people were the prophet Elijah (Eliyah) and Messiah Y’shua (Christ Jesus). The Holy Scriptures says “And Enoch walked with God, and he was not; for God took him” (Genesis 5:24). Readers see Enoch again in Hebrews 11:5 where it confirms his translation from mortality to immortality. According to many biblical scholars, the phrase “book of Enoch” usually refers to the book of First Enoch. In addition, readers should treat the book of Enoch in the same manner we do the other non-biblical writings. What some non-biblical narratives say are true and correct, while other parts of the narrative may be false. When we read these books, we have to treat them as interesting but unproven historical documents, never as the inspired authoritative written WORD OF GOD, which has always been historically, prophetically, morally, and scientifically correct. Therefore, this article offers readers a summary of the major subjects written in the book of First Enoch.


The author or authors of the book of Enoch were unknown Hebrew scribes living in early Israel somewhere between 200 or 50 BC who attributed their work to Enoch. The original Greek version of the book of Enoch was probably destroyed before 44 BC when Julius Caesar burned the ancient library in Alexandria sometime between 64 BC and 48 BC. The book of Enoch may be an attempt by some Hebrew scribes to restore the book of Enoch to its original form from memory alone. Bear in mind, the original book of Enoch may have contained factual historical data with no scientific mistakes; thus, reading this non-biblical narrative may reveal glimpses of primeval history. The original book of Enoch may have contain factual historical data on the events of creation, the early civilizations built by pre-flood men, and the names of great pre-flood kings and queens. Many biblical scholars divide First Enoch into five major sections. These sections are Chapters 1-36, chapters 37-71, chapters 72-82, chapters 83-90, and chapters 91-107. Like all ancient literature, the book of Enoch employs the language of visual appearance and never the language of science. Therefore, some of Enoch’s heavenly descriptions reflect an unscientific understanding of the universe.


The Book of the Watchers, found in chapters 1 to 36, probably was written in the third century BC. Biblical scholars have identified portions of this narrative on several copies from Qumran cave four. Some professional historians and editors date this incomplete manuscript (4QEnocha) between 200 BC and 150 BC. Many Qumran copies were first written in the Aramaic language.” According to chapters 1 to 36 of this book, Enoch is a righteous man who has received heavenly visions. The book is a collection of heavenly visions and secret revelations regarding divine judgment. It describes the rebellion of fallen angels. The fallen angels, called “Watchers,” have sexual intercourse with human females, who gave birth to a hybrid race of nefarious giants. The giants violently attack animals, property, and humanity, and thus caused God to send a global flood, wherein the giants were destroyed. When their physical bodies were destroyed by the flood, they became disembodied spirits, which are called demons today. When their demonic spirits are released from their dead bodies, they seek to possess animals and human beings. When a man or woman become demonically possess by one or more of these demons, they usually display the characteristic of these giants such as incredible physical strength, extreme violent behavior, ability to endure excessive physical pain, intense sexual perversion, deepening of their voice, and sometimes superhuman intelligence. These demons will wreak havoc throughout world until judgment day. Therefore, Enoch chapters 1-36 attempts to fill in the missing areas of pre-flood human history as highlighted in Genesis chapter 5, 6, and 7 because it discusses the prophetic life of Enoch, it reveals the origin of demons, the history of fallen angels (the Nephilim), and the primary cause for the global flood of Noah’s day.


The Book of the Parables, found in Enoch chapters 37 to 71, was probably first written in the late first century BC. Some scholars prefer to place this narrative in the first or even the second century AD. No fragments of these chapters have been found at Qumran, and some scholars argue that the book’s original language was written in both Hebrew and Aramaic. The chapters in this book reveal that Enoch again receives heavenly visions, which are interpreted by angels. The primary character of these revelations is the “son of man.” Other titles employed to name this Messiah figure are “the Righteous One, the Chosen One, and God’s Anointed One.” This heavenly being is God’s agent for the final judgment of fallen angels and wicked humanity and He is the vindication of the righteous servants of God. These chapters in the book of Enoch parallel Daniel’s vision of the son of man in Daniel 7:9-14 and John’s vision of Messiah Y’shua in Revelation 1:9-20 and 19:11-16. The most splendidly envisioned scene in the entire Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures involve the judgment wherein a figure like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven and was brought before the Ancient of days. Daniel’s vision related to the judgment of four beasts which represent human kingdoms before Messiah establishes His eternal kingdom of God on Earth. Like the book of Enoch, the central point in Daniel’s vision was the scene of judgment and the introduction of the Son of man. Concerning this strange figure there has been much discussion. However, since Messiah Y’shua often referred to himself as the “SON OF MAN” in the writings of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, then identity of the person in the books of Enoch, Daniel and Revelation may be Messiah Y’shua Himself. Thus, Enoch, Daniel, and John saw visions of Messiah’s return to Earth.


The Book of Astronomical Writings, found in Enoch chapters 72 to 82, is very similar to the Book of Watchers and probably dates from the third century BC. The oldest copy of it seems to have been made shortly after 200 BC. Significant portions of this narrative are preserved on four copies, written in Aramaic, from Qumran cave four. The Aramaic original seems to be different and much longer than the First Enoch of the Greek version because it adds far more astronomical information. According to chapters 72 to 82 of this book, Enoch’s Visions of heavenly and earthly events referred to a solar calendar, as opposed to the lunar calendar. A 360 day calendar has always been used by many Hebrew prophets, but Enoch was Gentile; therefore, he probably used a different calendar. Enoch’s description of his son Methuselah and his journey through the stars above the earth, guided by the angel Uriel, parallels the earthly images in the book of Genesis chapters five, six, and seven, while his heavenly visions reflect imagery described in Revelation chapter five and six.


The Book of Dream Visions” (or Animal Apocalypse), found in Enoch chapters 83-90, reveals a vision of Israel’s history all the way to the Maccabean Revolt. This book is dated in Maccabean era about 163-142 BC. In the book’s chapters Enoch gives an account of two visions to his son Methuselah. The first vision is of the sky falling and the earth undergoing earth-shattering catastrophes. These apocalyptic visions parallel the imagery described in Isaiah chapter 24 and Jeremiah chapter 23. The second vision takes the form of an apocalyptic allegory describing the history of humanity from the creation of Adam to the final judgment. According to Enoch’s visions, humans are represented as beasts and angels are represented as human beings. The apocalypse is a specification on the relationship of Jews with Gentiles and the end-time judgment. Additionally, these visions appear to parallel the wild beasts described in the books of Daniel chapters 7 and 8 and Revelation chapters 12, 13, and 17 because the biblical writers always referred to Gentile kingdoms as violent beasts.


The Book of the Letter of Enoch, found in Enoch chapters 91 to 107, was probably written between 170 BC and the 1st century BC. According to prophetic chapters in this narrative, this letter was written by Enoch for later generations. Morality and malice are compared throughout the letter to illustrate that righteousness and truthfulness will be rewarded by the God of heaven, but human sin and fallen angelic evil will be chastised by God almighty. This clear-headed eschatological prophecy gives a warning to readers about the last divine judgment of humanity and the fallen angels. This book highlights the generation of light in opposition to the generation of sinners destined to the destruction and darkness. Therefore, the book of Enoch’s message appears to parallel the prophetic teaching found in many of the apocalyptic literature of the Holy Scriptures. Also, Enoch’s book has many chapters on prophecy, each of which includes our time and also the future. Enoch’s work parallels Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13 of the synoptic gospels. Enoch’s prophecy mirrors the books of Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Isaiah. The apocalyptic events described in the First book of Enoch are in the correct order, but no dates are given to readers.


Readers should not attempt to study some of the enigmatic passages in the book of Enoch until they have finished reading the books of Genesis, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel, and Revelation. The book of Enoch was written because of the righteousness of Enoch the prophet. There is no direct evidence that Enoch wrote anything because the Holy Scriptures say that he did not die, but that God took him to Heaven (Genesis 5:24 and Hebrew 11:5). The prophet Enoch offers readers a vision of many raptured Christian saints who are alive when Messiah returns for His Church. The life of Enoch reveals that only those Christians who are communing with Messiah Y’shua on a daily basis will be taken to heaven before the tribulation hour begins. Although there

is no hard evidence that Enoch wrote this narrative, the Book of Enoch offers readers some insight about Jewish eschatology in the Second and First Century BC.


Th. Book of Enoch; Sir Lancelot C. L. Brenton; 1885. The Holy Bible; The Oxford Bible Dictionary ; The book of First Enoch; Richard H. Perry’s book on “The Last Days”; Larry R. Helyer PhD work on “The book of Revelation”; ;