For many years, Darwinism has been portrayed as a proven fact of science within the liberal news media, the academic community, and the secular scientific community. Uninformed people will incorrectly assume that persons who reject Darwinism are uneducated, anti-science, and completely irrational. However, today more critics of Darwinism can be found among scientists who reject supernatural creation. There are many publications by such scientists questioning and outright debunking the major principles of evolution.  This narrative highlights the comments by secular scientists who are skeptical of Darwinism.


According to Dr. David Berlinski, the structures of life are complex, and complex structures get made in this, the purely human world, only by a process of deliberate design. An act of intelligence is required to bring even a thimble into being; why should the artifacts of life be different? For many years, biologists have succeeded in keeping skepticism on the circumference of evolutionary thought. However, the burning fringe of criticism is now contracting, coming ever closer to the heart of Darwin’s doctrine” (“The Deniable Darwin,” Commentary magazine, June, 1996). Dr. David Berlinski is an agnostic with a Ph.D. in philosophy from Princeton and has done post-doctoral work in mathematics and biology at Columbia University. He has taught philosophy, mathematics, and English at Stanford, Rutgers, and the University of Paris.


According to Dr. Michael Denton, my fundamental problem with the theory of evolution is that there are so many highly complicated organs, systems and structures, from the nature of the lung of a bird, to the eye of the rock lobster, for which I cannot conceive of how these things have come about in terms of a gradual accumulation of random changes. It strikes me as being a flagrant denial of common sense to swallow that all these things were built up by accumulative small random changes. This is simply a nonsensical claim, especially for the great majority of cases, where nobody can think of any credible explanation of how it came about. And this is a very profound question which everybody skirts, everybody brushes over, everybody tries to sweep under the carpet” (“An interview with Michael Denton,” Access Research Network, Vol. 15. No. 2, 1995). Dr. Michael Denton is an atheist who has a Ph.D. in biochemistry from King’s College London. He is the Senior Research Fellow in molecular biology at the University of Otago, New Zealand.


According to Dr. Wolfgang Smith, the doctrine of evolution has swept the world, not on the strength of its scientific merits, but precisely in its capacity as a Gnostic myth. It affirms, in effect, that living beings created themselves, which is, in essence, a metaphysical claim. Smith believes that evolutionism is in truth a metaphysical doctrine decked out in scientific garb (Teilhardism and the New Religion, 2009, p. 24). Smith is a Ph.D. in mathematics from Columbia University and has been a mathematics professor at MIT, UCLA, and Oregon State University.


According to Dr. Lee Spetner, despite the insistence of evolutionists that evolution is a fact, it is really no more than an improbable story. No one has ever shown that macroevolution can work. (“Lee Spetner/Edward Max Dialogue,” 2001, The True Origin Archive). Dr. Spetner earned a Ph.D. in physics from MIT, and worked with the Applied Physics Laboratory of the John Hopkins University from 1951-70.


According to Dr. Colin Patterson, the explanation value of the evolutionary hypothesis of common origin is nil! Evolution not only conveys no knowledge, it seems to convey anti-knowledge.  Many scientists will have to admit that in the last 10 yea

rs we have seen the basis of evolution go from fact to faith! It does seem that the level of knowledge about evolution is remarkably shallow. We know it ought not to be taught in high school, and that’s all we know about it.” (Patterson was the senior paleontologist at the Museum of Natural History in London when he gave this address at the American Museum of Natural History in 1981; cited from White and Comninellis, Darwin’s Demise, 2001, p. 47.)


The Achilles heel of evolution is its failure to explain the origin of information within a universe that functions on conservation and deterioration. The entropy factor and the thermodynamic laws in nature do not allow for an increase in complexity and organization, which can give birth to biochemical information systems. Biological and genetic entropy increase as we move forward in time; therefore, this means that naturalistic evolution is a scientific impossibility. Secular scientists are aware of the real problems with evolution. However, the liberal media, many atheists, agnostics, and pagan philosophers continue to push this dogmatic religious philosophy on populations worldwide. Modern  science will never make its next major step forward until the curse of Darwinism has been lifted from the brows of scientists working in the secular scientific community.