1 Peter 3:15 (NKJV) states: “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.”

Rational faith for believers, as suggested by this verse and supported by Christian theologians and biblical scholars, is the ability to provide a reasoned, logical explanation for one’s belief in God and the hope that comes from this belief. It’s not blind faith, but a faith that can be defended with reason. Believers should sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, which means to set God apart in their hearts as holy, to honor Him above all else. This is the foundation of rational faith. Believers should always be ready to give a defense. This suggests that believers should be prepared to explain and defend their faith. This defense should be based on reason and understanding, not just emotion or tradition. Believers should be prepared to answer everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you.  This implies that the faith of a believer is not a private matter, but something that can and should be shared with others. The “hope” here refers to the assurance of salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ. Believers should respond with meekness and fear. This means that the defense of one’s faith should be done with humility and respect, not arrogance or aggression. Thus, rational faith is a reasoned, logical, and defendable faith that is shared with others with humility and respect. It’s a faith that can answer the question, “Why do you believe what you believe?”

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Halley’s Bible Handbook by Henry Halley; Three Views on Creation and Evolution by J.P. Morland & J.M. Reynolds; Understanding Creation by Mark Worthon & Hill Roberts; Understanding The Bible by Kendell H. Easley; The Dead Sea Scrolls by Craig A. Evans; Christian Apologetics by Doug Powell. Dispensational Truth by Rev. Clarence Larkin.