Today some creation science researchers believe the planet Earth has expanded in physical size by 25 percent because of the global flood during  Noah’s generation  (Genesis 7: 1-24) and the division of the Earth during age of Peleg (Genesis 10:25). They believe the Earth began expanding rapidly  during the worldwide flood of Noah’s generation and the expansion continued during the division of Pangaea of Peleg’s generation before slowing down to the gradual expansion rate existing today. The scientific evidence supporting this theory includes continental draft theory, the ocean floors, and reduced gravity.


We first discover evidence for the expanding Earth with the first complete theory of continental drift proposed in 1912 by Alfred Wegener. Wegener postulated that a single supercontinent, which he called Pangaea, fragmented late in the Triassic Period and that the parts began to move away from one another. He pointed to the similarity of rock strata in the Americas and Africa as evidence to support his hypothesis. Wegener’s ideas received support from the concepts of seafloor spreading and plate tectonics beginning in the 1960s. The modern theory states that the Americas were joined with Europe and Africa in the past, when they split apart along what is now the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Subsequent tectonic plate movements took the continents to their present positions. Today, many creation science researchers believe this cataclysmic geophysical separation occurred during the days of Noah and again in Peleg’s generation.


We next discover evidence for the Expanding Earth theory when we review pictures of the Earth’s ocean floor.  Before the great flood, there was no deep ocean floor, but only a shallow ocean and most of the Earth’s waters in subterranean chambers. The deep ocean floors in the world do not date back past the global flood which caused the death of all pre-flood animal populations. There are no deep ocean floors today that can be dated back before the global flood. The ocean floors around the world and the edge of the continents date back to  the  worldwide flood, which occurred thousands of years past,  and when you get to the mid ocean ridges they are just now forming.


Today, there are scores of scientist now that have begun to look at the reduced gravity theory to explain the size of prehistoric creatures. Reduced gravity theory ties in with the expanding earth theory quite well. If the Earth was roughly 25 percent smaller in size at one time, then it stands to reason that with less mass, there also would be less gravity.

Life is limited by today’s gravity and there is an upper limit to all land animals and even sea animals because of the weight on the body. However, if there was reduced gravity the upper scale could be increased. If the planet Earth was 25 percent smaller, then the gravity of the planet would have been 25 percent reduced than what it is now, and many pre-flood life forms would have grown to enormous and gigantic sizes. The Reduced Gravity Theory has the pre-flood and early post-flood Earth with 25 percent less gravity when huge animals and insects were able to exist. It was only after the expansion of the planet Earth during the days of Peleg when Earth’s gravity increased causing physical limitations on the size of animal populations, which made all life forms smaller in size.  This fact contributed to the extinction of dinosaurs.

Finally, the scale or size of life is determined by the gravity of the planet Earth. A larger planet Earth means larger gravity and smaller life forms. A smaller planet Earth means smaller gravity and larger life forms. Today, the scale is refined down to elephants and whales, then buffalos and loins, hum

ans and primates, and dogs and cats.  When we take the average scale of life today, and make a comparison to the average scale of life in the day of the dinosaurs, the difference in scale becomes quite apparent. Some dinosaurs were three to four times the mass of the elephants living today. Therefore, the weight of scientific evidence demonstrates that the continental drift, the ocean floor, and reduced gravity confirm the history of the expanding Earth.


Making Sense of the Six Days by Dr. T.V. Oomen; The New King James Version (NKJV); The Alexandrian Sepuagint LXX transladed by Sir Lancelot C. L. Brenton; Halley’s Bible Handbook by Henry Halley; Three Views on Creation and Evolution by J.P. Morland & J.M. Reynolds; Creation; Dr. Grant R. Jeffrey; 2003. Genesis One; Dr. Gerald Schroeder With Zola Levitt; 1998. Genesis and The Big Bang; Gerald L. Schroeder, Ph.D.;1992. Starlight and Time; D. Russell Humphreys, Ph.D.; 1990. Rethinking Genesis; Duane Garrett; 2000. The English Septuagint Version, Sir Lancelot C. L. Brenton; 1851. The New King James Version; Thomas Nelson; 1982. The Signature of God; Grant R. Jeffrey; 2010. Three Views on Creation and Evolution; J.P. Morland & John Mark Reynolds; 1999. Unveiling Mysteries of the Bible; Grant. R. Jeffrey; 2002. The Genesis Account of Creation; Lee Warren, B.A., D.D.; 1997. Creation Revealed in Six Days; P.J. Wiseman; 1946. Dispensational Truth; Rev Clarence Larkin; 1920. Unformed and Unfilled; Dr. Weston Fields; 2005.