From galaxies and stars down to atoms and subatomic particles, these numbers determine the very structure of our universe. These are the fundamental constants and quantities of the universe. Scientists have come to the shocking realization that an unknown super-force carefully dialed each of these numbers to an astonishingly precise value, a value that falls within an exceedingly narrow life-permitting range. If this super-force altered any one of these numbers by even a hairsbreadth, no physical, interactive life of any kind could exist anywhere. There would be no stars, no life, no planets, and no chemistry.

Consider gravity, for example. The gravitational constant determines the force of gravity. If this constant varied by just one in ten to the sixtieth parts, none of us would exist. To understand how exceedingly narrow this life-permitting range is, imagine a dial divided into 10 to the 60th increments. To get a handle on how many tiny points on the dial this is, compare it to the number of cells in your body, or the number of seconds that have ticked by since time began. If the gravitational constant had been out of tune by just one of these infinitesimally small increments, the universe would either have expanded or thinned out so rapidly that no stars could form and life could not exist, or it would have collapsed back on itself with the same result: no stars, no planets, and no life. Alternatively, consider the expansion rate of the universe. The cosmological constant drives the cosmos. A change in its value, by a mere one part in 10 to the 120th parts, would cause the universe to expand too rapidly or too slowly. In either case, the universe would again be life prohibiting. Alternatively, another example of fine-tuning: if the Creator did not evenly distribute the mass and energy of the early universe to an incomprehensible precision of one part in 10 to the 10 to the 123, the universe would be hostile to life of any kind. The fact is, our universe permits physical, interactive life only because these and many other numbers have been independently and exquisitely balanced on a razor’s edge. Wherever physicists look, they see examples of fine-tuning.

The remarkable fact is that the Creator of the universe finely adjusted the values of these numbers to make possible the development of life. If anyone claims not to be surprised about the special features that the universe has, he or she is hiding their head in the sand. These special features are surprising and unlikely. What is the best explanation for this astounding phenomenon? There are three live options. The fine-tuning of the universe is due to physical necessity, chance, or design. Which of these options is the most plausible? According to this alternative, the universe must be life permitting. The precise values of these constants and quantities could not be otherwise. However, is this plausible? Is a life-prohibiting universe impossible? It is not only possible; it is far more likely than a life-permitting universe. The laws of nature do not determine the constants and quantities. There is no reason or evidence to suggest that fine-tuning is necessary. Did we just get really, really, really, really lucky? No; the probabilities involved are so ridiculously remote as to put the fine-tuning well beyond the reach of chance, so in an effort to keep this option alive, some have gone beyond empirical science and opted for a more speculative approach known as the multiverse. They imagine a universe generator that cranks out such a vast number of universes that, odds are, life-permitting universes will eventually pop out. However, there is no scientific evidence for the existence of this multiverse. The scientific community has never detected, observed, measured, or proved the existence of this multiverse, and the universe generator itself would require an enormous amount of fine-tuning.

Furthermore, small patches of order are far more probable than big ones; therefore, the most probable observable universe would be a small one, inhabited by a single, simple observer. However, what we actually observe is the very thing that we should least expects, such as a vast, spectacularly complex, highly ordered universe inhabited by billions of other observers. Therefore, even if the multiverse existed, which is a moot point; it would not do anything to explain the fine-tuning. Given the implausibility of physical necessity or chance, the best explanation for the fine-tuning of universe for life seems to be creation and intelligent design. A common sense interpretation of the facts suggests that a super intellect monkeyed with physics and that are no blind forces worth speaking about in nature. The numbers that scientists calculate from th

e facts appear to be so overwhelming it put this conclusion almost beyond question. For many people, there appears to be powerful evidence that there is something supernatural going on behind all this data.  It seems as though somebody has fine-tuned nature’s numbers to make the universe. The impression of design is overwhelming. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day, they pour forth speech; night after night, they reveal knowledge.

PRIMARY SOURCE: Dr. Craig Videos; The Fine-Tuning of the Universe