How does the Deep State plan to make Vice President Kamala Harris President of the United States?

According to some conspiracy theorists, the Deep State allegedly has a plan to make Vice President Kamala Harris the President of the United States through a series of orchestrated events, which involve incapacitation or removal, resignation or impeachment, manipulation of political events, and control of key Figures. They might suggest that the current President, Joe Biden, will be declared unfit for office due to health reasons or be forced to resign. This could be through invoking the 25th Amendment, which allows for the removal of a president who is unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office. Another theory could involve Biden resigning voluntarily or being impeached and removed from office. Conspiracy theorists might argue that this would be orchestrated by the Deep State to clear the way for Harris. Some might claim that a series of political crises or scandals will be manufactured to undermine Biden’s presidency, making his position untenable and leading to his resignation or removal. The theory might also include the idea that key political figures and institutions are under the control of the Deep State, ensuring that any transition of power happens smoothly in favor of Harris. This suggests that the actual process of presidential succession in the United States is governed by the Deep State rather than the U.S. Constitution and it does not involve clear legal and procedural steps.