According to the Greek Septuagint (LXX), how long were the pre-flood years?

According to the Septuagint (LXX), the total time from the creation of Adam to the Flood is 2242 years. This is different from the Masoretic Text (MT), which gives a timeline of 1656 years. The difference is primarily due to the ages of the patriarchs at the time of their son’s birth being higher in the LXX than in the MT, leading to a longer pre-Flood chronology. Here’s a comparison of the pre-Flood patriarchs’ ages at their first son’s birth according to the LXX:

Patriarch Age at Son’s Birth (LXX) Age at Son’s Birth (MT)
Adam 230 130
Seth 205 105
Enosh 190 90
Kenan 170 70
Mahalalel 165 65
Jared 162 62
Enoch 165 65
Methuselah 187 187
Lamech 188 182
Noah 500 500
Total (to Flood) 2242 years 1656 years