The prophet Jeremiah was the bad news bearer. His message was intended primarily to warn Judah’s people, who […]
Distinctive amid the Hebrew prophetic books, the Book of Daniel offers us a historical account about the faithful […]
The book of Revelation, where John receives a stunning vision series of the future Earth and Heavens, is […]
The prophet Obadiah issues a prophetic warning to the foreign nations that participated in the attacks against Judah. […]
While Jeremiah spoke to the people still living in Judah (the southern kingdom of Israel, including Jerusalem), Ezekiel, […]
Zechariah encourages the people to put away the sin in their lives and to continue rebuilding the Temple. […]
The third book of the Pentateuch takes its name from one of the twelve sons of Jacob, Levi, […]
The Book of Exodus narrates the liberation of the Israelite people from Egyptian bondage and their wanderings through […]
The book of Genesis teaches that what we believe about the subject of origins lays the intellectual foundation […]
The Tablet Theory or the Wiseman Hypothesis argues that Moses compiled and edited earlier written records that had […]