Is the unification of European and Middle Eastern nations the future Rome of Biblical Prophecy?

God revealed a vision of the future to His servant Daniel more than two thousand years ago, and it is widely regarded as the most comprehensive prophetic insight ever given to man by any individual. Daniel was the conduit through which God revealed a composite history of the world’s remaining days. After Babylon, there were the Medes and Persians, then the Greeks, the Romans, and finally, the last world kingdom, which was composed of the remnants of a restored Roman Empire, which was to be the last world kingdom. As Daniel predicts, the Roman Empire will be divided once more, this time into two parts. According to Daniel 2:41–43 and Daniel 7:7–24, the Roman Empire will be divided into ten kingdoms or leaders at some point in the future. We know that the ten-kingdom prophecy will be fulfilled in the future because not only has the ten-leader form of the Roman Empire never existed in history, but also because no such kingdom has been suddenly crushed as the prophecy indicates it will be destroyed. Daniel 2 predicts that the Roman Empire, in its final form, will be destroyed in an instant. The Roman Empire of Jesus’ day did not come to an abrupt halt. Slowly but steadily, it deteriorated and declined over many centuries until it was finally destroyed by a combination of external and internal forces in 476 CE for the western part and by a combination of internal and external forces in 1453 CE for the eastern part. The Western leg represents Europe, whereas the Eastern leg represents the Middle Eastern and North African nations. We can’t imagine a more gradual descent from a position of prominence to obscurity! As a result, we must conclude that some form of the Roman Empire will emerge in the end times, and according to Daniel, it will be in place prior to Christ’s return to rule and reign over the earth. Realistically, the unification of Europe corresponds to the restoration of the Roman Empire. Currently, the concentration of power in the European Union heralds the beginning of an entirely new world order. The new world order will be based on a new Rome, with five powerful nations from Europe and five powerful nations from the Middle East forming the core of the new order. The Anti-Messiah will emerge from the east and take over the entire world as his domain.